On Vacation In Vancouver

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Daddy's Favorite Movie 

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Would it be a bad idea

"I know asking for donations is something that you hear often. 

And you can say no.

I am trying to learn what fundraising is about. 

I am looking to raise money for my school. 

Running Spring Academy

We need to get to $47,000. 

Would it be a bad idea.

IF you can support me. 

By clicking the link to donate

Please help us get closer to


Thank you

Daijin Jake Tran

1st grader

Mrs. Okamura

Running Springs Academy

If you are able to give

 Please put Daijin Jake Tran | 1st grader Mrs. Okamura Class in the form from the link.

Custom Amount - Link

 please hit the restart button

$500 - link

 please hit the restart button

$250 - Link - please hit the restart button

 please hit the restart button

Thank You For Your Donations

Our $500 Gold Sponsor | 986 Pharmacy, Dr. Thai

My Video To Dr. Thai

Dr. Thai - Thank you for seeing my video

My Gratitude To Dr. Thai

Dr. Thai - You are a Gold Sponsor

Thank you

 Ultimate Ninjas

Mr. Berry | You are awesome

Thank you

 Monarch 9 Cafe

Ms. Aileen | You are so sweet to us

Thank you 

Mrs. Mica

We Met The Nicest Customer At Chick-fil-A

Thank you

BJ's Restaurant

Ms. Shani thank you 

Thank you

Costco Warehouse

Ms. Julia and Mr. Angel thank you

Out Raising Funds

Out Raising Funds


We Met The Nicest Customer At Chick -fil-A

Out Raising Funds


Mr. David, thanks for getting us to your Manager

Out Raising Funds


Mr. Kevin thanks for helping us

When Daijin Is Not Fund Raising

Things I enjoy:   Astronomy - Physics -Math - Engineering 

6 Yrs Old Daijin

JWST - Red Wave Length vs Hubble Telescope

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6 Yrs Old Daijin


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5 Yrs Old Daijin

Terraforming Mars

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5 Yrs Old Daijin

Astroids Belt - G Force

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5 Yrs Old Daijin

Periodic Elements

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5 Yrs Old Daijin


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Things I participate:  Swimming - American Ninja - Angels Baseball - Ohtani San

Doing Somersault 

At The Pool

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Training To Be "Ninja"

Obstacle Course

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Angels Baseball

We got on the Jumbo Tron

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Taking A Swing

Top Golf

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Things I Like:  Singing American and Vietnamese Music

My Library of Songs:

Imagine Dragons


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Imagine Dragons


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Tình Lỡ

Covered By Daijin

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An Encore Performance

Một thời đã xa by Daijin

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